Tuesday, July 9, 2013

7/4: Thursday - Ishinomaki

Being in Japan for American Independence Day is interesting.  Quite a normal day in most respects, so attempted a minor Hoop-de-do in the evening.  

In the morning, Mike interviewed Gilberts for their section of the video.  It was good to hear their story again: setting aside their hopes and dreams in an established, thriving ministry Fukuoka, in southern Japan, to move up to daily chaos and turmoil in Ishinomaki.  They are so full of grace and balance in their relationships and approach to ministry.  Wonderful folks!

The afternoon highlight was a concert at another temporary housing site (we heard approx. 60 of these sites are in the Onagawa area alone), but instead of we goofy "gaijins" (foreigners) doing a sing-along, the musicians were Julliard students.  Wow, they are good!  This team of 5 are all believers who raised support to do this as a mission trip. 

A marvelous duet by Kristen and Josh

Megumi's ballet was entrancing
An appreciative audience
Surprise!  Josh is the MK son of missionary friends we had lost contact with
 Supper was an American BBQ at Gilberts with the whole team.  Nice to just relax and enjoy the fun together.  But soon Jonathan left with Gordon and Matthius for an English class outreach in Onagawa.

Hamburgers and hot dogs - yummy!
Jonathan feeling patriotic as Mike and Gordon enjoy the food and fun
L-R: Andy, Kathrine, Sylvia, Tobi, Mark, Lorna, Gordon, Jonathan, Mike
Jonathan teaching the English class
Gordon and Ogawa-san (?) at the English class

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